Computer Life: SuperPac
SuperPac (Computer Life Magazine)(Ziff-Davis)(1995).ISO
Sparkle blurb
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Sparkle 2.2.3 A mac-look-and-feel MPEG and QT player and converter.
This should replace Sparkle 2.2.2 in the info-mac archives.
Changes are:
* Some very minor cosmetic bugs fixed.
* Some speed tweaks.
* Worked around a bug in NCSA Mosaic, so should work better with Mosaic.
* The MPEGSplit program now saves files in the folder you choose---
it used to save them in the parent of that folder.
Also in this package are a VERY rough quick and dirty port of some unix
MPEG-2 decoding code. This will allow you to see what's in an MPEG2 file
and save the result as a QT movie. Of course at some point this support
will be rolled into Sparkle but I'd like to do sound first.
Be patient with this programs---in particular when it starts up, it
may sit for a minute or so looking like it's frozen before anything
starts happening. This program is based on code by Chad Fogg and the
MPEG Software Simulation Group.
Also in this package is a VERY rough quicka and dirty port of a
unix MPEG demuxer. This will split a muxed MPEG file (one containing
both audio and video) into separate audio and video files. This program
is based on code by Rainer Menes.
This version of Sparkle
* has very limited AppleScript support. Probably not yet useful, but
that'll change soon.
* does not support sound
* does not support online help
These are all high priorities, pretty much in that order.
Thanks to the people who reported bugs in 2.2.0.
As always, if you find any bug or anomaly in this code please tell me.
The sooner you tell me, the sooner I'll fix it.
As always there remain a few rough edges to this program, though I hope
most of them won't be too distressing to users. Like previous rough
edges, they'll be done away with in time.
!!! If you write to me PLEASE give me a decent address I can reply to.
!!! About 10% of the e-mail I receive has a bogus return address---I try
!!! to reply to you and a few hours or days later I get a message from the
!!! mail system that my mail could not be delivered.
!!! This is very frustrating to me and a waste of your and my time.
!!! I have NEVER just ignored mail sent to me about Sparkle. If I don't
!!! reply to you, it's because you sent me mail with a garbage return address.
!!! Check out your mail system and write to me again when it works properly.
Sparkle plays MPEGs, PICTs and QT movies and converts between them. It is
multifinder friendly and, with enough memory, will open multiple
documents at once.
It is free.
System 7 or greater.
QuickTime 1.6 or greater.
An 020 based mac or greater.
This version requires the Thread Manager.
This program on PowerMac requires ObjectSupportLib. Read the enclosed
file if you don't have it to learn how to get it.
You can ftp Sparkle from sumex-aim.stanford.edu (or a mirror like
mrcnext.cso.uiuc.edu) in info-mac/grf/util.
You can ftp the Thread Manager from ftp.apple.com in
Maynard Handley
December 11 1994